Monday, March 30, 2009

D Day +14

I did squats today with ONE leg! I'm a little shaky right now. I never knew I could do that. You guessed it. I just got done with my workout from Sham. We did our core excercises. I'm glad that how I felt during the workout is how I feel at home. I want so much to get the most out of this. It would be a waste of Sham's time AND mine if I didn't put my all into it. As much as I didn't want to workout this weekend, I did it and felt good afterwards. It's kinda like least for're really tired and you really don't want to but then you do and you're like hey...not so bad! lol I'm showing my age...

He added on new exercises to do at home. One leg squats and regular squats. He showed us the right way to do them and now I know where I should be feeling it if I'm doing it right.

Was it hard today and I know by how I feel today that this isn't the tip of the iceberg yet! Where did that saying come from anyway??? I'm going to find that out. Knowing that, I know I have to be very faithful to my routine at home so it won't be as hard when I meet with Sham.

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