Saturday, March 28, 2009

D Day +12

Yesterday Sham took us through the four core exercises. I now know that no matter how nice I think Sham is I will be doing some serious cursing in the near future. It was hard but I realized just how weak my muscles were. Watching him do it you'd think there were invisible gremlins easily moving him up into position!

I felt pretty good afterwards but about 5 hours later my arms were aching! I'm sure it was the lactic acid building up. As the night wore on it got worse. I drove to my girlfriend Heather's house later for a pow wow on her new husband hunting website. I drive a stick can you say 'ow'?!

When I got to her house my girlfriend Nicole was there. She is a long distance runner and is the one I credit with really getting my mind focused on this. I told all the girls about the workout and they were congratulating me. Felt good.

I took tylenol last night but realized it wasn't tylenol I needed but ibuprofen. I will need to pick some up today cause I'm down to my last few at home. I will foresee needing those in the near future also!

I woke up this morning and just felt hungover. My arms werne't aching like the night before but I was sore. But I still worked out. I walked around the house for a bit to loosen and wake up. Then I rolled out my mat and put my exercises that I wrote down in front of me and got to work.

It wasn't so bad. I was able to do all the sets except for the Superman. I don't feel I'm doing it right. I can't keep my abs tucked without holding my breath. Must make note to tell Sham.

I'm now off to the office and then going to try to fit in a boke ride or walk at McKinley.

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