Tuesday, March 17, 2009

D Day +1

I'm sitting at my desk eating a big salad. Since I love salad this is pretty easy for me to do. I'm eating it with salad dressing. I have a feeling though when Sham sees the bottle he may not be toooo happy about it. It's Briana's Blue Cheese Dressing. This I refuse to give up! If Sham tells me know, I may have to put up a fight similiar to the movie, 300. I added water to it and thinned it out. It still tastes good! It's only 5 carbs a serving but it is about 12o calories per serving. I gotta have it, it makes me feel satisfied.

I had a glass of red wine last night...I'm sure Sham will have something to say about that too. But it was only a glass! And it was a small glass. Maybe 6 ounces, just enough to chill me out so I could go to sleep. I don't drink caffeine, fruit juices, or soda so a small glass of wine can't be bad, right? Well I'll find out on Thursday when Sham goes over my food. It might be sayonara to my beloved red wine decanter for awhile. It was nice knowing you, I promise to take you out and polish you every now and then.

I didn't eat very much yesterday but I did bring food to work with me. I got up late againnnnn...and again this morning so I just grabbed some yogurt and an orange. I had salad left over from the weekend so I put it in a baggy. I didn't get home until 10:30 last night...granted I was at a movie...BUT I didn't have any popcorn, cherry slushie, bon bons...you know the usual movie fare. I didn't even look at the counter.

Baby steps...

I have set a goal today of getting to bed no later than 10p and preparing some lunch. Next week I plan to stock the fridge at work with some stuff so I don't have to worry about it.

Baby steps...

I have a feeling after I start working out with Sham that may be how I really will be walking...baby steps!

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