Monday, April 6, 2009

D Day +21

I am so worn out! I had a long long long weekend. It was a bad weekend physically and food wise but I have to put it behind me and move on.

My youngest daughter was sick all last week. I was splitting my time between the office and home. I was ragged. On top of that Sham started working me harder. Which is fine, no complaints on that. It was just one of those weeks.

Friday, I had friends coming over that haven't been over in awhile and we were going to have a Wii Fit night. What I really needed was a Wii Rest night! But the kids were looking forward to it. I barbecued and I was good. Around 11p we called it a night and I was just one limp noodle. We went to bed and were supposed to be going to San Francisco early on Saturday morning. We got up Saturday morning and we were all just dead. My allergies were bad, sore throat and stuffed head. I thought I might have been getting the flu symptoms but thankfully it was just allergies. Since nobody in the house was moving we decided to stay home. Well stay home in the sense we weren't going to San Francisco. I had to go to my mom-in-laws house, then after that, I stopped by my office, then we got lunch. We had mexican. I had two chicken tacos on soft corn tortilla. My daughter's ate my rice and beans (since I don't know how they prepare them I didn't want to eat them), then was a trip to know how Target goes! By then it was almost 4p! We were all just beat. We got home and collapsed on the couch. My youngest daughter and I stayed there and watched movies until 9p and then went to bed. Oh I forgot to mention before we left in the morning we went to my neighbors rummage sale. LOTS and LOTS of stuff benefitting the Leukemia Society.

I meant to do some kind of work out on Saturday but I just couldn't muster the strength. I figured it would be better to rest then try to force it.

Sunday we got up very early and went to Marine World in Vallejo. I was feeling alot better. I didn't have time to work in my core workout before I left. I'm a little ADD. I got up and started my checklist to get the car packed, the kids up and showered, breakfast, etc... We got in the car pretty much on schedule. The park wasn't too crowded. We went all over the park so I figured the day wasn't a total waste exercise wise because I was walking around. We left the park about 4p, just dragging. It was getting hot and neither of us do well in heat and were hungry! We got back to the car and ate our packed lunch. I made turkey and cheese sandwiches on whole wheat (hard cheese, not processed). I also packed strawberries and grapes but I also packed Lays backed chips (the ones like Pringles). Ok I'm a sucker for chips! I'm a sucker for anythign crunchy, I'm addicted to crunch. Alot of time I don't feel like I've eaten if there is no crunch in my food, no matter how full I am, I just need a little crunch. So I put chips in my sandwich...BAD I know...but I needed crunch! I also had a couple snicker doodle cookies that I made the night before. I love snicker doodles.... We left after that but stopped by my girlfriend's house on the way. She lives down the street from us. We were at her house for a couple hours just sitting in the backyard talking. It was a nice evening. We finally got home about 8p. My body was crashing fast. I was beat. I was starting to get cranky. I'm not a nice sleepy person. We got home, took the dogs for a quick walk and then called it a night.

I went to bed early got lots of sleep and am dreading meeting up with Sham today. But...gotta get over the bad weekend and start fresh. My kids are gone this week (Easter vacation), they are at their dad's. So having to be home early or cooking won't be a problem! Yeah! I work late the days I workout with Sham and the other days I get my cardio in. I will be able to cook any kind of food I like and not have to worry about making something different for the kids. I won't have to get on them at night about homework or worry about play rehearsals. I'm getting relaxed already! I miss them being gone but I do love these breaks!

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