Monday, April 13, 2009

D Day +28

I've finally got some time to myself. My last day before the real chaos ensues. The kids will be home and we will be in full Spring musical mode. Opening night is Wednesday. This is going to be a very long and arduous next few weeks! Getting home at a decent hour and in bed at an even more decent hour will be out the window. The play won't be over until close to ten every night and then there is getting everything put away and getting the kids out of the dressing room.

So my past week...

Monday started off horribly with that disastrous weekend...that by the way will NEVER happen again! I started going to bed by around 8:30p. Not necessarily to go right to sleep, I knew that was going to happen. I have been listening to an audio book of a book I already read. I like it so much I wanted to read it again but it's over a 1000 pages and the thought of someone reading to me was a lot easier. I would listen to it til about 9p and then start the next phase of sleeping...relaxing and getting used to quiet and darkness and letting myself give in to sleep. It's been going well except I still wake up about every two or three hours. But I am feeling alot better in the morning and I'm making myself get up at 6am, even though I don't really need to. I do have extra time in the morning to EAT and put my makeup on BEFORE I go to work...

I've been very good with my eating. I'm becoming more conscious of what I'm putting in my mouth and doing cardio everyday. My workout today with Sham was VERY hard. I did mostly a curcuit routine of squats with a ten pound weight. WOW...hard...legs shaking...took awhile for my face to chill out after I got back to work.

But I feel good. After today, I know I really need to work on upper body strength. My weak shoulder is getting stronger though...major plus! When I tore my rotator cuff the doctors put me on meds and told me surgery was my only option. I told them I wasn't doing surgery since they couldnt' guarantee that it would work. I stopped taking the pills, I don't like pills anyway and would never have made a good drug addict. I always forgot to take them when I was in pain. Blame my upbringing,we were never allowed to whine when we got hurt.

I get weighed in next week and new measurements taken. Here's to good news!

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