Monday, March 30, 2009

D Day +14

I did squats today with ONE leg! I'm a little shaky right now. I never knew I could do that. You guessed it. I just got done with my workout from Sham. We did our core excercises. I'm glad that how I felt during the workout is how I feel at home. I want so much to get the most out of this. It would be a waste of Sham's time AND mine if I didn't put my all into it. As much as I didn't want to workout this weekend, I did it and felt good afterwards. It's kinda like least for're really tired and you really don't want to but then you do and you're like hey...not so bad! lol I'm showing my age...

He added on new exercises to do at home. One leg squats and regular squats. He showed us the right way to do them and now I know where I should be feeling it if I'm doing it right.

Was it hard today and I know by how I feel today that this isn't the tip of the iceberg yet! Where did that saying come from anyway??? I'm going to find that out. Knowing that, I know I have to be very faithful to my routine at home so it won't be as hard when I meet with Sham.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

D Day +12

Yesterday Sham took us through the four core exercises. I now know that no matter how nice I think Sham is I will be doing some serious cursing in the near future. It was hard but I realized just how weak my muscles were. Watching him do it you'd think there were invisible gremlins easily moving him up into position!

I felt pretty good afterwards but about 5 hours later my arms were aching! I'm sure it was the lactic acid building up. As the night wore on it got worse. I drove to my girlfriend Heather's house later for a pow wow on her new husband hunting website. I drive a stick can you say 'ow'?!

When I got to her house my girlfriend Nicole was there. She is a long distance runner and is the one I credit with really getting my mind focused on this. I told all the girls about the workout and they were congratulating me. Felt good.

I took tylenol last night but realized it wasn't tylenol I needed but ibuprofen. I will need to pick some up today cause I'm down to my last few at home. I will foresee needing those in the near future also!

I woke up this morning and just felt hungover. My arms werne't aching like the night before but I was sore. But I still worked out. I walked around the house for a bit to loosen and wake up. Then I rolled out my mat and put my exercises that I wrote down in front of me and got to work.

It wasn't so bad. I was able to do all the sets except for the Superman. I don't feel I'm doing it right. I can't keep my abs tucked without holding my breath. Must make note to tell Sham.

I'm now off to the office and then going to try to fit in a boke ride or walk at McKinley.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

D Day +10

I'm back to not feeling great but now I know it's allergies that are bothering me! I love the trees in Sac but ugh, they do a number on my head!

So yesterday Sham taught me how to sit, stand and walk. I've been in my office for a couple hours now and am trying so hard to keep my butt flexed and my abs tucked. I need to work on my shoulders and chin. This is really hard but I'm getting used to it. When I notice that I've let go a little in my stance, I tuck it in. Watch out Jessica butt is coming! Ok, so maybe not Jessica Alba but it's all in the mindset, right? :)

I had a couple boiled eggs for breakfast. I brought an orange for snack and I brought lunch. Chicken and lots of broccoli. My food is going to be boring this week. I can't get to the grocery store til next week. But I'm eating!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

D Day + 9

I haven't been feeling great the past few days. I didn't eat very much and what I did well it didn't stay down to well. I'll just leave it at that...

I rode my bike for 8 miles on Saturday. And yesterday I did a nice 3 mile brisk walk after work. Tomorrow I'm doing another 3 mile brisk walk.

Today I met with Sham and he taught me how to sit, stand, and this hard! I thought Kegels were hard. Ladies you know what I'm talking about... I'm practicing as I type.

Since I haven't been feeling great, I don't know if it's a cold or just allergies, but it has got me to go to bed EARLY! I'm not sleeping all the way through the night but that will come. I'm getting tired at 9p and earlier. This is very very good. I usually don't get to bed til 1am and then don't go right to sleep. I have to be up around 6a. My sleep habits have not been so good and I don't like sleeping pills, I've been winging it.

I don't have to much to say today. It is my birthday tomorrow! I will be 38. I remember when I turned 30 and I thought that was the end of the world.

Such is life!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

D Day +3

Wow...I met with Sham today. My very first official day in the 12 week program! What a sobering day it was. I knew my numbers were bad but wow....they were bad. I've gained 25 pounds since my daughter was released from the hospital last May. It was a horrible year and to cope I just let myself go. I was so focused on getting her better, which is a good thing, but I didn't listen to anybody who tried to help me during that whole ordeal. I had to take care of myself. I wasn't sleeping. I wasn't eating and when I did, I ate the wrong foods. I would go out with friends to unwind and drink. I did that quite alot actually - lets be honest with myself here. And I think we all know what alcohol can do to a person. I didn't feel better afterwards, I felt worse. I ignored what the fit of my clothes were telling me, I kept putting off getting back into gear. I got comfortable in relationships when I shouldn't have. It all just snow balled. My daughter is well now, she still gets sick but she is pretty much back to herself. I have no excuses now, do I? No I don't.

No excuses.

I've made a committment to Sham, I'm going to be his best client. I can't let him down because letting him down, will ultimately be destruction for me. Why would I want to do that? I love having a good time and I know people like having a good time with me. I'm to cute to let that happen and why would I deprive people of my cuteness??? ;)

No excuses.

No excuses.

No excuses.

I had to get up very early today (5:30a). My daughter had a dental appointment. I made it early so she wouldn't have to miss school. I'm being a good mom, right? Taking care of my kids. Well I didn't eat breakfast. I dropped her off, came into work for a bit, went to pick her up...stopped by Safeway to get HER breakfast but none for me (something sound a little familiar here??), dropped her off at school, came back to work, tried to make up for lost time by getting right down to it, left to meet Sham, came back to work. But I did grab a yogurt on the way out. But I'm working late to make up for lunch so I'm right back where I started. What does that show her?

No excuses.

I don't have as busy as a weekend so I will be cooking and preparing foods for next week. It's my birthday next Thursday!

No excuses.

I'm going to bed early. Next is to cut out tv entirely (well except for Jeopardy, I need my Jeopardy!) I think when I get home - there's nothing on anyway. Mad Men doesn't start til the end of July! I can catch up on Frontline and Nova on the weekends. I have too much reading to catch up on. This will get me in a meditative state and relaxed and ready for bed.

I'm still excited! I knew this was going to be hard. I am not surprised by my numbers. Deep down I knew what they were. This will work. The numbers are only bad if I choose not to do anything about them. That's not gonna happen.

No excuses!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

D Day +2

I'm hungry today!!!! Why am I hungry today?! And my eyes hurt...but I'm thinking that's allergies.

I went to bed at 9:30 last night. I was soooooo tired. I woke up at 3:30a thinking it was 6:30a...grrrrr. I'm laying in bed starting the wake up process and then I'm like....Hey, if its 6:30a howcome my phone alarm didn't go off and why is it so dark?! I hate when that happens! I went back to sleep and woke up when my alarm went off, I closed my eyes just for a minute and when they opened it was 7am! Jeez my knees... I have to be at work at 7:30a but I live only a couple minutes away. I hopped out of bed and into the shower. Ugh...have to wash my hair today, no way around that. It is growing out and it is thick. Not conduscive to blowdrying in a hurry. Plus my right shoulder has been bothering me (torn rotator cuff) so blow drying isn't something I really look forward to. I made it out of the house by 7:29a...poofy hair and all. Yes it was a hair barrette day!

Yesterday I walked twice aroun McKinley Park. I mapped it on and it is 1.11 miles. So that was 2.22 miles. I walked with my girlfriend. But I found it was to easy so next week we're doing 3 rounds.

Is this why I'm so hungry today?! I've eaten my usual breakfast fare this week, yogurt and orange - I know slow down there... I'm usually not hungry at all in the morning. Come 11am I'm starving, so I eat my lunch early. I'm still hungry! I ate all my food. What do I do? I don't want to go out and buy food. I have a bagel in the fridge which I really don't want to eat. Waaaaaaaaaay to many carbs, even though I'm not officially low carbbing it yet. I'm getting myself used to eating during the day again. Over eating is not really my problem or eating the wrong things...I just forgo eating cause I get busy and forget, then when I get home I'm FAMISHED! Sort of like what I'm starting to feel like now. I think I'm going to have to do that cause my stomach is growling - not a good sign.

My eyes really hurt today too. The pollen count is low so it can't be allergies but there's is alot of stuff floating around in the air. I can see it float by my office window. I got good sleep...compared to what I usually get (four hours). I'm saying allergies, the hunger doesn't help either. Ok...gotta go toast the bagel! Gah!

I've been keeping my food log. I'm not eating a whole lot of calories. I've barely broke a 1000 per day this week. This is not good I know and when I start working out with Sham I will have to take in more. But at least I'm eating throughout the day and the morning. I'm not coming home hungry like the werewolf of London. So I count this as a good thing.

Tomorrow I meet with Sham!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

D Day +1

I'm sitting at my desk eating a big salad. Since I love salad this is pretty easy for me to do. I'm eating it with salad dressing. I have a feeling though when Sham sees the bottle he may not be toooo happy about it. It's Briana's Blue Cheese Dressing. This I refuse to give up! If Sham tells me know, I may have to put up a fight similiar to the movie, 300. I added water to it and thinned it out. It still tastes good! It's only 5 carbs a serving but it is about 12o calories per serving. I gotta have it, it makes me feel satisfied.

I had a glass of red wine last night...I'm sure Sham will have something to say about that too. But it was only a glass! And it was a small glass. Maybe 6 ounces, just enough to chill me out so I could go to sleep. I don't drink caffeine, fruit juices, or soda so a small glass of wine can't be bad, right? Well I'll find out on Thursday when Sham goes over my food. It might be sayonara to my beloved red wine decanter for awhile. It was nice knowing you, I promise to take you out and polish you every now and then.

I didn't eat very much yesterday but I did bring food to work with me. I got up late againnnnn...and again this morning so I just grabbed some yogurt and an orange. I had salad left over from the weekend so I put it in a baggy. I didn't get home until 10:30 last night...granted I was at a movie...BUT I didn't have any popcorn, cherry slushie, bon know the usual movie fare. I didn't even look at the counter.

Baby steps...

I have set a goal today of getting to bed no later than 10p and preparing some lunch. Next week I plan to stock the fridge at work with some stuff so I don't have to worry about it.

Baby steps...

I have a feeling after I start working out with Sham that may be how I really will be steps!

Monday, March 16, 2009

D Day

Today is Day 1 of not turning back. The doors of yesterday have closed permanently. No matter how hard I try to open the doors of familiarity and comfort they will not open.

I have started my food log. Who would have thought writing something down would make you feel accountable. You could lie...there's nobody watching you...but for some reason I can't. I thought about getting one of those yummy thick chocolate candy bars someone in my office is selling. But I stopped...I'll have to write it down...*inner demon* No you won't, no one will know!...yes they will because I might as well buy that chocolate bar and glue it on my forehead for everyone to see! Besides...I'll have to write it down and that's worse because it will always be there for ME to look at.

I did my homework last night. I wrote out my goals and sent them to Sham. No turning back. That was really hard, you'd think all you would have to say is...I want to be 125 pounds. Wrong! No matter what the number is you'll always want it to be smaller when you get there. You know how it is, you think your fat at any given time and years later you go back and look at those photos and realize you were really thin! Look at you now! Now you're wishing you appreciated yourself more then. You can't put a number on that but you can definitely feel it when you look in the mirror and like what you see.

So today is Day 1 of not turning back. I know there are going to be days when I might be scratching at the sealed door so I can just taste what it was like to be comfortable again. Those are the days when I'm going to have to dig down deep and tell myself to, Suck It Up!, as I've told so many other people before - including my kids.

It's D-Day, no turning back.