Monday, May 4, 2009

D Day +49

I totally hit the wall last week! I measured on April 22nd and I lost about 6 inches! Wow, pretty groovy. Not bad with 3 full weeks of working out with Sham. But then....I got sick.

I got really really sick. I haven't worked out with Sham since LAST Monday! Ugh... I haven't done squat (no pun intended). As for eating right, well that was all out the window. I didn't go to work, I rolled out of bed around noonish then went straight to the couch where I would stay til I went back to bed. I managed to get up a few times to make myself soup. I didn't drink a whole lot of water. Which is bad period. Gotta drink water regardless if you're sick or not. But I just didn't have the energy to eat let alone drink. When I did have water, it tasted so disgusting. You know that sick taste you have in your mouth when you're well....sick? Water does not mix well with that. I didn't take my vitamins either. I tried but my stomache wasn't having it.

I'm still sick but feeling alot better. I am very stuffy but the nose is running which is a good thing! It wasn't running at all last week, tons of congestion so I know things are finally flushing from my body.

I ate breakfast today for the first time in a week - a couple boiled eggs and an apple and water. Water still is not tasting good. I also took my vitamins. Tummy still doesn't like them but it's tolerating them anyway. I had some green tea too. Some fancy kind my girlfriend sent me. Supposed to be all natural. Straight from China. I've had it for awhile but didn't want to open the package because it was so pretty. Ladies, you know where I'm coing from on this.

Anyway, I'm meeting Sham in about an hour and a half. I'm so scared. My muscles are feeling like mush. Not a whole lot of movement at all in the past week. Not even core exercises. But at least it was no movement due to being sick and not because I just didn't care and was being lazy.

It's going to feel like the first time all over again. Ugh. But gotta get started again somehow!

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