Friday, May 22, 2009

D Day +66

Lots of stuff has happened this week. First...bad news. I strained my patellar tendon in my left knee. Suckarooni!!!! I woke up in a lot of pain on Thursday. I narrowed down the area of pain. I 'diagnosed' myself because I am an internet doctor. I looked up the anatomy of the knee and was able to see what the cause of the pain probably was. So I looked up stuff on pain in the patellar tendon and came back with a lot of info with what I was experiencing and what potential causes were. So since I fit in the area of potential causes, I went to go see my doctor...just to make him feel good and because I felt like throwing away 15 bucks for a copay. He asked questions, looked at my knee, did some feeling around and came up with a diagnosis. Guess what it was? Yeah well I didn't tell him that I already knew, I wanted to make him feel superior. Then he need to stay off it for at least 2 weeks! These strains can be stubborn in healing and you don't want to injure it more. I was like....huh??? But I have to workout!!!!

Wohhhhh....wait.....what did I say????

But I have to work out!!!!!

That's what I thought I said! Where in the hell did THAT come from?!

He said to talk to my trainer (Sham) and he would be able to work around it. I should still be able to keep moving. Phew!

Then he went over my lab tests. I have complete blood labs done every year. I've got a lot crappy medical history in my family so I'm rightfully paranoid. Well get are the numbers:

Total Cholesterol - 154
Glucose - 93

These are the big numbers I was stunned about. My numbers before this were:

Total Cholesterol - 211
Glucose - 105

All of my numbers came back great! I'm healthy!!!!! The old numbers had me in cardiac danger zone and diabetes danger zone. Considering those are both big parts of my family medical history, this is awesome news!

I met with Sham today and was weighed and measured. And yeah! I'm losing. I knew I was or I at least knew I wasn't going backwards but the numbers are very encouraging! Some numbers stayed the same (my waist...grrrrr) but it just goes to show that weight comes off in different areas all the time. So I'm not begrudging any of it! I think I've lost around 10 inches and 8 or so pounds since I started working out with Sham at the beginning of April. I was with him a couple weeks before that but there wasn't any working out.

So in total ALL of my numbers are GREAT! Aside from the knee thing, I'm very happy!

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