Tuesday, May 19, 2009

D Day +63

It's Tuesday....bleh! I'm running on empty. Sham upped the workout yesterday again. I used a 15 pound cowbell weight (is that what they are called?). I had to do the swinging squat inbetween exercises. Another timed workout. I like the timed workouts better. I think I do better with those because it forces me to pace myself and to keep moving. Plus it plays a mind game on me, for some reason my brain thinks it's not as hard as when they are a certain number of reps for me to do.

I was pretty tired when I got up this morning. I could have stayed in bed alllllllllll day! I was running around right after work last night and I know my body didn't get to have downtime when it wanted. My head hurt because I didn't eat as much as I should have. I went to the movies to, saw Star Trek for the second time...(love that movie!). The person I went with bought a big bag of popcorn and a big soda. I didn't have the urge to dive into and eat it. THAT felt good! I just looked at it (and him...he's not a little guy or a medium sized guy for that matter) and was like yeah...I don't need that.

Where am I feeling it today? My thighs, shoulder area (blades, upper arms, sides of my chest), my knees are a little sore. Not a lactic acid hurt, just sore.

Sham sprang his ankle last Thursday and wasn't able to make Fridays weigh-in so we moved it to this Friday. That's ok, cause I was freer with my eating this weekend. It was planned because of the weigh-in. Since I was already set on letting go a bit this weekend, I couldn't say no to myself. If I did that, I would be thinking about it and binge somewhere down the line. So I did it anyway with no worries. I will make the extra push this week for Fridays weigh-in. I think I'm doing good. I went to the doctor and they had to weigh me and according to their scale I'm doing good. Yeah! Sham said the inches may not necessarily be noticable this next weigh in because it can slow down for some reason, I forget but he said I should notice it in the weight. Who am I to question him? So far he's been right about everything!

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