Wednesday, May 13, 2009

D Day +58

It's been a week since my last post. I'm not neglecting just finding it hard to find a few minutes to sit down and type.

I'm doing really good. My workouts with Sham are getting harder which has to be a good thing because he wouldn't be giving them to me if I couldn't do them. I finish what he sets is NOT easy! I dread it when he goes over all the exercises but in the end I feel so proud of myself for getting through it.

My allergies have flared up again today and my back hurts (...female problems...ugh and I get weighed and measured on Friday! Great!). I went to the doctor yesterday and they weighed me and according to that scale I've lost weight. I wish it was more but I have to tell myself fast weight loss is a thing of the past. That is not good weight loss. The doctor gave me new allergy meds so hopefully this works and I won't be so bad when I get back from working out today.

I didn't do any cardio yesterday, but I just couldn't fit it in. I worked a little late then had to go the doctor then had to come home and make dinner for me and the kids, clean up and by that time it was time for bed! :p I won't beat myself up. I'm been good on my cardio workouts since I got back into it. I was sick for a whoel week two weeks ago.

I have to get blood work done tomorrow so I have to fast until I get that done. Eeeesh. I'm saving that for tomorrow because it's a non-Sham day.

Gotta say that it was nice going to the doctor yesterday and I could say no to all those questions...are you depressed...NOPE...are you having joint pain....NOPE....are you having trouble your appetite irregular....NOPE! These were all problems I was having before Sham. My weight was up since the last time I was there but I told her about Sham. I told her the last time I was in the doctor's office was because my head was all messed up, my daughter was critically ill, it was a bad time. I put on weight! But everything since then has resolved itself and I'm on my way back down again. She was happy for me. lower back!!!!!! I really would like to have my plumbing taken out!

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